Privacy Policy

Last Updated October 24, 2022

This Privacy Policy document informs you of the policies regarding any collection, use, and disclosure of information received from users of the Heathen iOS application.

Heathen iOS App

Heathen for iOS does not track you.

Favorite products, favorite stores, product ratings, and product notes are transmited to the Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services’s servers and are never saved nor otherwise persisted on Heathen’s servers.

Searching and filtering for products processes data on-device. Your search terms and filters are not transmitted outside of the app.

Location information is used exclusively to estimate travel times to nearby stores. Location data is transmitted directly to Apple’s mapping servers and is otherwise not transmitted outside of the app.

Camera information is used exclusively to scan for shelf barcodes while at a store. Camera pictures are never transmitted outside of the app.

Submitting Feedback

If you choose to submit feedback via the app, it will include logging information to help our developers diagnose any issues you may be facing. Included in this logging information is:

Excluded from this information is:

If you do not wish to share this information with support, then delete the “” file from the feedback email prior to submitting.

Changes to This Policy

Updates to this Privacy Policy will be made available on the website. You are advised to review this policy periodically for any changes.

By using the Heathen app, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at